69 photos
L'extreme onction - the extreme unction, from the      
"Dal Pozzo sacraments",a series of seven paintings,    
done before 1642 for Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588-1657).   
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

L'extreme onction - the extreme unction, from the "Dal Pozzo sacraments",a...

La confirmation - confirmation, from the "Dal Pozzo    
sacraments", a series of seven paintings done before   
1642 for Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588-1657).               
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

La confirmation - confirmation, from the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series of...

L'ordre - Christ handing the keys to Saint Peter.      
From the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series of seven     
paintings done before 1642 for Cassiano dal Pozzo      
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

L'ordre - Christ handing the keys to Saint Peter. From the "Dal Pozzo sacr...

L'Eucharistie - the Eucharist, symbolized by the       
Last Supper. From the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series 
of seven paintings done before 1642 for Cassiano dal   
Pozzo (1588-1657)

L'Eucharistie - the Eucharist, symbolized by the Last Supper. From the "D...

Le bapteme - baptism. Christ baptized by St. John.     
From the "Dal Pozzo sacraments", a series of seven     
paintings done before 1642 for Cassiano dal Pozzo,     
Canvas, 95,5 x 121 cm

Le bapteme - baptism. Christ baptized by St. John. From the "Dal Pozzo sacr...

L'enlevement des Sabines - the rape of the Sabine women, ca.1637-38
Canvas, 157 x 203 cm
INV 7290

L'enlevement des Sabines - the rape of the Sabine women, ca.1637-38 Canvas, 157...

Landscape with Diogenes. One day, Diogenes saw a       
small boy drink from his cupped hand. He threw away    
his cup, saying: "truly, this boy lives more simply    
than I do".                                            
Canvas, 160 x 221 cm                                   
around 1647-1648

Landscape with Diogenes. One day, Diogenes saw a small boy drink from hi...

Le jugement de Salomon - Solomon's judgement, 1649     
Canvas, 101 x 150 cm

Le jugement de Salomon - Solomon's judgement, 1649 Canvas, 101 x 150 cm

L'Assomption de la Vierge - St. Mary's Assumption.     
Canvas, 57 x 40 cm

L'Assomption de la Vierge - St. Mary's Assumption. Canvas, 57 x 40 cm

L'orage (dit l'orage pointel) - The thunderstorm,1651.
Canvas, 99 x 132 cm

L'orage (dit l'orage pointel) - The thunderstorm,1651. Canvas, 99 x 132 cm Inv.9...

The Holy Family on the stairs.                         

The Holy Family on the stairs. Canvas

Midas at the source of the river Pactole,c.1626-27     
Canvas, 51 x 67 cm                                     
Inv. 852 1 361
#401113 7

Midas at the source of the river Pactole,c.1626-27 Canvas, 51 x 67 cm...