The Horses' Hall (Salone dei Cavalli) with murals of Federico II Gonzaga's fa...
The Horses' Hall (Salone dei Cavalli) with murals of Federico II Gonzaga's fa...
Ceiling of the Hall of Amor and Psyche. Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after de...
Ceiling of the Hall of Amor and Psyche. Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after de...
Hercules. Detail of the ceiling of the Hall of Amor and Psyche. Palazzo...
Bacchanal. Detail of the ceiling of the Hall of Amor and Psyche. Palazzo...
Zeus approaches Olympia in the form of a snake. Detail of the Hall of Am...
Pasiphae hides in the artificial cow built by Daedalus (She becomes the mother...
Bacchanalia, from the Hall of Amor and Psyche, Palazzo del Te, built 1...
Bacchanalia. Detail from the Hall of Amor and Psyche (Gonzaga's table is a de...
Bacchanalia. Detail from the Hall of Amor and Psyche, Palazzo del Te, built 15...
Nymph and Satyr. Detail of Bacchanalia from the Hall of Amor and Psyche, Pala...