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56 photos
Paradise. The creation of Adam top center, of Eve      
top right; warning not to eat from the Tree of         
Knowledge, center; temptation by the snake and         
expulsion, left.                                       
Poplar wood, 80 x 117 cm           Inv. 1908 A

Paradise. The creation of Adam top center, of Eve top right; warning not t...

Adam and Eve                                           
Wood, 59 x 44 cm                                       
Inv. 588

Adam and Eve Wood, 59 x 44 cm...

Lot and his daughters.

Lot and his daughters.

Martin Luther (1483-1546)                              
Oil on wood (1529)                                     
37 x 27 cm                                             
Inv. 1160

Martin Luther (1483-1546) Oil on wood (1529)...

Katharina von Bora, Martin Luther's wife,              
a Cistercian nun before she left the                   
monastery to marry the reformer.                       
Oil on wood (1529)                                     
37 x 27 cm - Inv. 1139

Katharina von Bora, Martin Luther's wife, a Cistercian nun before...

Lot and his daughters, 1528                            
Beechwood, 56 x 37 cm                                  
Inv. 9589

Lot and his daughters, 1528 Beechwood, 56 x 37 cm...

Markgraf (Margrave) Casimir von Brandenburg-Culmbach   
(1481-1527). Painted 1522                              
Oakwood, 37,5 x 26 cm                                  
Inv. 883

Markgraf (Margrave) Casimir von Brandenburg-Culmbach (1481-1527). Painted 152...

Schmerzensmann;Christ of Sorrow.Inner wing of an altar,
around 1520. See also 40-05-05/34                      
Limewood, 137 x 54 cm                                  
Inv. 861 A

Schmerzensmann;Christ of Sorrow.Inner wing of an altar, around 1520. See also 40...

Saint Mary suffering,inner wing of an altar,around 1520
See also 40-05-05/33                                   
Limewood, 137 x 54 cm                                  
Inv. 861 A

Saint Mary suffering,inner wing of an altar,around 1520 See also 40-05-05/33...

Christ's farewell to the holy women. Around 1520       
Limewood, 110 x 83.5 cm                                
Inv. 891

Christ's farewell to the holy women. Around 1520 Limewood, 110 x 83.5 cm...

Der Suendenfall - The Fall. After 1537                 
Beechwood, 49,5 x 35 cm                                
Inv. 3523

Der Suendenfall - The Fall. After 1537 Beechwood, 49,5 x 35 cm...

L'Age d'Argent - the Age of Silver, 1535.              
Wood, 77,5 x 52,5 cm                                   

L'Age d'Argent - the Age of Silver, 1535. Wood, 77,5 x 52,5 cm...