Triton und Nereide,1873-74. Canvas,105 x 194 cm...
Fruehlingsabend - Evening in spring,1879 God Pan playing the Pan'...
Heiligtum des Herakles - Sanctuary of Hercules, around 1880....
Die Toteninsel - Isle of the Dead, 1880 (1st. version). Oil on canvas, 111 x 1...
Die Toteninsel - Isle of the Dead, 1886 (5th. version). Oil on canvas, 80 x 150...
Fruehlingserwachen - Awakening of spring,1880. Canvas on wood,66 x 130...
Ruine am Meer - Ruin on the seashore. Canvas,100,5 x 142 cm
Ein Sommertag - A summerday, 1881. Wood,61 x 51 cm...
Heiliger Hain - Sacred grove,1882 Canvas,105 x 150 cm...
Odysseus und Kalypso - Ulysses and Calypso,1882 Wood,104 x 150 cm...
Waldesstille - The silence of the woods. According to legend,the...
Flora (Girl with wreath of flowers),1875 Wood,63 x 50 cm...