51 photos
Master Marsilio and his wife.A wedding portrait,in     
which cupid puts the marriage yoke on bride and        
bridegroom. 1523                                       
Camvas,71 x 84 cm     Cat.240

Master Marsilio and his wife.A wedding portrait,in which cupid puts the mar...

The chastity of Susannah, 1517.                        
Wood,66 x 50 cm                                        

The chastity of Susannah, 1517. Wood,66 x 50 cm...

Saint Dominic resurrects Napoleone Orsini, nephew      
of cardinal Fossanova. Detail of 40-08-11/7.           
Part of a predella for the Dominican church of         
San Stefano in Bergamo, Italy                          
For the other two parts see 40-08-11/8 and 40-07-02/51

Saint Dominic resurrects Napoleone Orsini, nephew of cardinal Fossanova. D...