48 photos
#391506 1
The banquet of King Herod, 1290-1295.
#391506 2
Saint Francis of Assisi before the sultan, Around 1296.
#391508 8
Christ washing the apostles' feet.
#391508 9
The birth of the Virgin Mary. Mural
The baptism of Christ. Mural
Raising of Lazarus. Mural
The Last Supper. Mural
The kiss of Judas. Mural
Le songe d'Innocent III; Le pape approuvant les statuts de l'ordre; Saint Franço...
Le songe d'Innocent III - The vision of Pope Innocent III. Detail from the prede...
Le pape approuvant les statuts de l'ordre - The Pope approving the statutes of t...
Saint François prêchant aux oiseaux - Saint Francis preaching to the birds. Deta...