47 photos
Self-Portrait on the Bed or Me and My Doll, 1937.

The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection of the 20th Century Mexican Art and The Vergel Foundation.

Self-Portrait on the Bed or Me and My Doll, 1937. The Jacques and Natasha Gel...

Urban Landscape, c. 1925.

Private Collection.

Urban Landscape, c. 1925. Private Collection.

The Bus, 1929.

Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, Mexico City.

The Bus, 1929. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, Mexico City.

The Accident, 1926.

Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera.

The Accident, 1926. Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera.

Portrait of Dimas Rosas, Dead of Age Three, 1937.

Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, Mexico City.

Portrait of Dimas Rosas, Dead of Age Three, 1937. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño...

Portrait of Doña Rosita Morillo, 1944.

Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, Mexico City.

Portrait of Doña Rosita Morillo, 1944. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilc...

Portrait of Lady in White, c. 1929.
(Identified as Adela Formoso de Obregón Santacilia)

Private collection.

Portrait of Lady in White, c. 1929. (Identified as Adela Formoso de Obregón San...

Beauty Parlor or The Perm, 1932.
(Santa Claus is a cipher for the bourgeois revolutionary leader and former Mexican president Venustiano Carranza.)

Private collection, Mexico City.

Beauty Parlor or The Perm, 1932. (Santa Claus is a cipher for the bourgeois rev...

Santa Claus, 1932.
(Santa Claus is a cipher for the bourgeois revolutionary leader and former Mexican president Venustiano Carranza.)

Private collection, Mexico City.

Santa Claus, 1932. (Santa Claus is a cipher for the bourgeois revolutionary lea...

Portrait of Diego Rivera, 1937.

The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection of the 20th Century Mexican Art and The Vergel Foundation.

Portrait of Diego Rivera, 1937. The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection of...

Portrait of Luther Burbank, 1931. 

Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, Mexico City.

Portrait of Luther Burbank, 1931. Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Xochimilco, M...

Portrait of Miguel N. Lira, 1927.

Gabierno del Estado de Tlaxcala, Instituto Tlaxcalteca de Cultura, Museo de Arte de Tlaxcala.

Portrait of Miguel N. Lira, 1927. Gabierno del Estado de Tlaxcala, Instituto...