#150301 1
Noah kneeling and the hand of God. Mosaic (12th)
#150301 2
Noah's sons planting vines. Mosaic (12th)
#150301 3
Carpenter with a saw, another with an axe....
#150301 4
Raven picking at a dead man's leg during the Flo...
#150301 5
Dove with an olive twig. Mosaic (12th)
The center nave and mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy...
View of the center nave and mosaic floor, cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy...
Adam and Eve, fancy beasts and a donkey playing the harp; from the mosaic f...
Pantaleone, self-portrait, part of the floor mosaic of the cathedral of Otr...
Two elephants at the roots of the Tree of Life from the center nave of the...
Two warriors fighting. Mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, southern Italy...
The Goddess Diana killing a stag; from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otr...