A scene from the Flood. Canvas, 97 x 139 cm...
Tete de lionne. Head of a lioness. Canvas, 55 x 65 cm...
Head of a white horse. Canvas, 65,5 x 54,5 cm...
Le four a platre. The gypsum-oven. Canvas, 50 x 61 cm...
La folle monomane du jeu - Woman with gambling mania. Canvas, 77 x 64 cm...
Course de chevaux libres a Rome - Horseracing in Rome, around 1817....
Portrait d'homme, dit le Vendeen - Portrait of a man from the Vendee....
Portrait of Marie Serre,mother of the painter Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1824....
Cheval attaque par un lion - a horse attacked by a lion, after an etching...
Un carabinier- a carabineer,an Italian police officer. Canvas,101 x 85 cm...
Le chat mort - The dead cat. Oil on canvas,50 x 61 cm
Le Radeau de la Meduse - The Raft of the "Medusa". Painting after a then well-...