From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Workday in a small town:...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Sangi Takamura,9th CE,a...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Sojo Henjo,9th CE,was a...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Ariwara no Narihira Ason...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Fujiwara no Toshiyuki As...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Ise,female poet,9th CE:A...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Motoyoshi Shinno,890-943...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: A man walks up to a temp...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Kan Ke (Sugawara no Mich...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Teishin Ko (Fujiwara no...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Minamoto no Muneyuki Aso...
From the Illustrations to 100 poems by 100 poets: Harumichi no Tsuraki,aro...