#391605 8
Blumenstueck - Flower still-life,1884 Canvas...
Queen Titania and the donkey (Shakespeare, "Midsummer Night's Drea...
Venedig huldigt Caterina Cornaro,1872 - Venice pays homage to Caterina Corna...
#401601 2
Der Triumph der Ariadne (Ariadne's triumph). Oil on Canvas
#401601 3
Sight - from the series "Die fuenf Sinne" (The five Senses)....
#401601 4
Hearing - from the series "Die fuenf Sinne" (The five Senses)....
#401601 5
Touch - from the series "Die fuenf Sinne" (The five S...
#401601 6
Smell - from the series "Die fuenf Sinne" (The five Senses)....
#401601 7
Taste - from the series "Die fuenf Sinne" (The five Senses)....
#401601 8
Actress Charlotte Wolter as Messalina. Oil on canvas (1874)