The legend of Saint Ursula: Saint Ursula and the King.
Saint Stephen's sermon inside the walls of the Salomonic temple in Jerusalem. Th...
Saint Stephen's sermon inside the walls of the Salomonic temple in Jerusalem. Th...
The meeting of Ursula and her fiance Ereo;departure of the pilgrims. St.Ursu...
Ships in the harbour. Detail of 40-07-02/11. St.Ursula,was a Christia...
The meeting of Ursula and her fiance Ereo; trumepteers, detail of 40-07-02/11. S...
The meeting of Ursula and her fiance Ereo;ships and flags,detail of 40-07-02...
Ships in a harbour. Detail of the Arrival of the Amassadors, 40-07-02/17,...
Ships in a harbour. Detail of the Arrival of the Amassadors, 40-07-02/17,...
The Arrival of the ambassadors of English prince Ereo. Left:arrival;center:pres...
Miracle of the relic of the Holy Cross in the Campo San Lio, Venice. One of...
Two Venetian ladies. Oil on canvas (beginning...