Big Flower Bouquet in a wooden vessel, 1606/07 Oil on oakwood...
The Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great. Painting on copper...
Noble visitors in the peasant's living room. Oil on copper (1597)...
View of the Chateau de Mariemont, Belgium. Oil on canvas
Seaport with windmill. Oil on canvas
Small bouquet of flowers. Oil on oakwood (after 15...
Bandits attacking a convoy of horse drawn carts. Human figures by Sebasti...
The Battle of Issos (also known as Battle of Issus), 5 November 333 BCE when Ale...
Animal studies (dogs). Oakwood, 34 x 55,5 cm...
Animal studies (donkeys,cats,monkeys). Oakwood, 34,2 x 55,5 cm...
Rest during the Flight to Egypt, 1595 (Figures by H. Rottenha...
Mountain landscape with the temptation of Christ, 1605-1610...