29 photos
Joseph recognized by his brothers.                     

Joseph recognized by his brothers. Canvas

Mme.Barbier-Valbonne,Marie Philippe Claude (1763-1837),
first wife of the painter Jacques Luc Barbier,a friend 
of the artist.                                         
Wood,79 x 59 cm                                        
R.F. 2192

Mme.Barbier-Valbonne,Marie Philippe Claude (1763-1837), first wife of the painte...

Napoleon I (1769-1821) en costume du Sacre -           
Canvas,227 x 145   RF 1973-28                          
Repetition ayant apartenu a Caroline Murat,Reine de    
Naples,du portrait commande en 1805,Inv.4757,Musee     
du Chateau de Versalles.

Napoleon I (1769-1821) en costume du Sacre - Canvas,227 x 145 RF 19...

Signature du Concordat entre la France et le           
Saint Siege - Signing of the treaty between France     
and the Holy See,July 15,1801.                         
Drawing,pen,pencil and wash.

Signature du Concordat entre la France et le Saint Siege - Signing of...

Madame Regnault de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (1775-1857)     
Painted 1798                                           
Wood, 102,5 x 74 cm           R.F.239

Madame Regnault de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (1775-1857) Painted 1798...