The Immaculate Conception ("Purisima"). Oil on canvas (1661)...
Saint Apollonia. Canvas, 134 x 67 cm...
L'exposition du corps de Saint Bonaventura. The lying in state of S...
Saint Bonaventure au concil de Lyon - Saint Bonaventura at the church-council o...
The Immaculate Conception, 1630-35 Canvas,139 x 104 cm...
Saint Peter apostle appears to Saint Peter Nolasco. Painted 1629...
The Annunciation, 1638/39 Canvas
Francisco de Zurbaran L'Adoration des bergers - Adoration of the shepherds...
The circumcision, 1638/39 Canvas
The defence of Cadiz against the English (1625). The commander,Don Fernan...
Still-life. Canvas,46 x 84 cm...
Saint Casilda,1640. Canvas,184 x 90 cm...