The blessings of good government.(detail) Mural
The blessings of good government.(detail) Mural
The blessings of good government. Detail:Trade in the city. Mural
The blessings of good government. Detail: People dancing in the streets. Mural
The allegory of good government, showing the virtues. In the left corner Peace,...
The allegory of good government, detail: Peace. Mural
The allegory of good government, detail: Magnanimity, Temperance and Justice....
The allegory of good government, detail: Justice. Mural
The Presentation in the Temple, 1342 Tempera on wood, 257 x 168 cm Inv. 8346
Detail of an altar: Saints and angels adoring Christ. Wood.
St.Nicolas de Bari offrant une dot a des filles pauvres St. Nicholas of Bari off...
#400805 1
La Citta - the town Wood