La Bataille de San Romano: La contre-attaque de Micheletto da Cotignola - The ba...
La Bataille de San Romano: La contre-attaque de Micheletto da Cotignola - The ba...
La Bataille de San Romano: La contre-attaque de Micheletto da Cotignola - The ba...
#400705 2
The desecration of the Host: The host is sold to a me...
#400705 3
The desecration of the host. In the merchant's house,...
#400705 4
The desecration of the host. Mass is read....
#400705 5
The Desecration of the Host. The perpetrators are exe...
#400705 6
The Desecration of the Host. The perpetrators are burnt at the stake....
#400705 7
The Desecration of the Host. From a series of six pai...
Noah and the Flood, fresco in the Chiostro Verde, the "Green Cloisters" becaus...
Noah and the Flood, fresco in the Chiostro Verde of Santa Maria Novella. See...
Knights in armour, detail from the Battle of San Romano in which the Flor...