Le Doge de Venise suit la procession du Corpus Domini Piazza San Marco. The Dog...
Le Palais des Doges de Venise vu du bassin de San Marco. The Doges' Palace...
Le Doge se rend a La Salute, le 21 novembre, jour de la commemoration de la f...
La procession du Doge de Venise a l'eglise de San Zaccaria, le jour de Paq...
After his election, the Doge thanks the Grand Council in the Grand Council Hal...
The Doge, in his golden gondola, the Bucintoro, passes San Niccolo del Lido. Th...
Ceremonial meal at the Doge's Palace in the Grand Council Hall, Doge seate...
Il Ridotto - the foyer or main room of the gaming house in the Palazzo Dan...
The "parlatorio", the parlatory of the nuns of San Zaccaria, Venice....
Diplomatic Meeting, painted to commemorate the trade agreement between the Ki...
Campo de l'eglise Giovanni e Paolo avec la Scuola di San Marco et le monum...