The 14 "Nothelfer", catholic saints called "helpers in need"; in the center...
The suffering redeemer, center panel of the altar in the protestant church...
The 14 "Nothelfer", catholic saints called "helpers in need"; in the center...
Deploration. Predella of a lost altar, 1525.
Saint Peter, the Apostle of the Transfiguration, bac...
Saint Peter, the Apostle of the Transfiguration, sid...
Saint with staff in the wood. Study
Saint Anthony of Padua praying.
Portrait of Guido Guersi (16th), humanist and writer....
Crucifixion,saints and entombement(in the predella). The Isenheim Altar close...
The Isenheim Altar:Christ Resurrection (left),Annunciato (right). Limewood,...
The Annunciation. From a wing of the Isenh...