The Duchess of Morny, wife of the half-brother of Napoleon III. The Duke o...
The Maharajah Dulep Singh. The portraits of the Maharaja and his wife we...
The Maharani Dulep Singh. The portraits of the Maharani and her husband...
The Countess Castiglione (Virginia Oldoini) 1837-1899, famous beauty and inoffi...
Queen Victoria of England, 1842
(Copy,not by Winterhalter,of a lost painting) Emperor Napoleon III (18...
Portrait de femme - portrait of a lady. Paper,100 x 82 cm...
Portrait de jeune fille Paper,100 x 82 cm...
Madame Adelaide d'Orleans (1777-1847),daughter of Philippe Egalite, sister...
#391916 8
Portrait de l'empereur Napoléon III (1808-1873) - Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I...
Portrait of Mme. Rimsky-Korsakov, 1864 Canvas, 117 x 90 cm...
Empress Elisabeth of Austria with flowing hair. Oil on canvas (1846)