Rossetti lamenting the death of his wombat, 1869. Dante Gabriel Rossetti loved e...
Paolo and Francesca da Rimini 1855 Throughout his life Rossetti was fascinate...
Beata Beatrix circa 1864-70 Rossetti’s inspiration for this painting was the...
Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice 1856 Watercolour on pape...
Dante's Vision of Rachel and Leah, 1855. Watercolour on paper, 352 x 314mm. N0...
The Tune of the Seven Towers, 1857. After a poem by Robert Browning. Watercolo...
St. Catherine, 1857. Oil on canvas, 343 x 241 mm. N04603
Proserpine, 1874. Oil on canvas, 1251 x 610 mm. N05064
The Annunciation - Ecce Ancilla Domini (1840-50)
The beloved (1873)
La Ghirlandata. Canvas (1873)
La Pia (Pia de Tolommei), 1868-1880 Pia de Tolomei is a figure from Dante's Inf...