#400101 8
The Adoration of the shepherds, 1476. Center piece of the Port...
#400101 9
Praying angels. Detail of the central panel of the Portinari Altar,...
Vase with white,red and blue lilies and iris,another with seven columbines fo...
Three shepherds. Detail of the central panel of the Portinari Altar,1476....
Saint Margaret and Saint Mary Magdalen with Maria Portinari and her...
Tommaso Portinari and his two sons, flanked by Saint Anthony...
The Fall. Adam and Eve tempted by the snake. Diptych of the Fall and...
Lamentation. Diptych of the Fall and the Redemption, righ...
Saint Genoveva. Grisaille. Sawed-off reverse side. Left wing of the F...
Christ and the Mater Dolorosa. Wood,86 x 110 cm