Young woman at her toilette. She stands next to a wash basin and holds a mirror....
Palestra, scenes of a ball game. Young men holding sticks for drivi...
Scenes of a ball game. Young players hold cleft sticks to dri...
Youth holding a coach's baton. Signed by Douris inside the inner medalli...
Greek warrior and wounded Persian soldier. Centre medallion of a re...
Center: young man holding a hare. (Hares were usual presen...
Men and youths, some of the older men presenting hares to their young lov...
Men and youths, some of the older men presenting hares to their young lov...
#100305 1
At the feet of the Goddess Athena, two Greek warriors draw lots for the arms a...
#100305 2
The Trojan heroes compete for the arms and armour of the slain Achilles. A...