278 photos
Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE,            
1st dynasty, Thinite period; found in the Serpent       
King's tomb in Abydos.Overall stele.
For detail see 08-01-22/26        
Sandstone, 143 x 65 x 25 cm                            
E 11007

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE,            
1st dynasty, Thinite period found in the Serpent       
King's tomb in Abydos. Detail.For overall see 08-01-22/25       
Sandstone, 143 x 65 x 25 cm                            
E 11007

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 180

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 182

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' 
son and the Trojan princess Polyxena,daughter of       
Priamos,at the grave of Achilles.                      
E 180

Attic sarcophagus with the story of Achilles,Achilles' son and the Trojan princ...

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds,    
and thatched African huts. Coloured limestone relief,  
temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Maat Ka-Re)(1495-1475 BCE),
south side of the west terrace, Deir el-Bahri.         
18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE), New Kingdom

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds, and thatched African hut...

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds,    
and thatched African huts. Coloured limestone relief,  
temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Maat Ka-Re)(1495-1475 BCE),
south side of the west terrace, Deir el-Bahri.         
18th Dynasty (1554-1305 BCE), New Kingdom

The Voyage to Punt: Village with palm trees, birds, and thatched African hut...

Bull palette. Bull triumphs over a lion                
surrounded by a crenellated wall. Both animals         
probably represent kings. Fragment of a green slate    
(around 35th BCE), Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.         
E 11 255
#080108 5

Bull palette. Bull triumphs over a lion surrounded by a crenella...

Gallery of Kings in the temple of Seti I, beginning    
with Menes (around 3000 BCE) and ending with Seti (1301
-1290 BCE). Foreground: Pharao Seti I and his son Ram- 
ses II as a youth with the crown prince's forelock re- 
citing hymns from a papyrus role. New Kingdom, Egypt

Gallery of Kings in the temple of Seti I, beginning with Menes (around 3000...

List of all Nomoi (districts) in Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capitel, and number of heads    
of cattle.
#080112 2

List of all Nomoi (districts) in Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capital, and number of the      
headsd of cattle.
#080112 3

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of 
the jubilee chapel of Pharaoh Sesostris I (1971-1926   
BCE), Karnak, Egypt. The lists include size of the     
districts, name of the capital, and number of the      
heads of cattle.
#080112 4

List of all Nomoi (districts) of Egypt on the walls of the jubilee chapel of Ph...