1 subcategory
Karajan, Herbert von


16 photos
Salzburg Festival 1956: A group of Austrian youngsters
resting at the Residenzbrunnen-fountain.In the back-
ground the "Neugebaeude" with its belltower and famous carillon, originally a guesthouse for princely guests of the Salzburg Archbishops.
#560205 7A

Salzburg Festival 1956: A group of Austrian youngsters resting at the Residenzb...

Salzburg Festival 1956:An elegant public during the    

Salzburg Festival 1956:An elegant public during the intermission.

Salzburg Festival 1956:An elegant public during the

Salzburg Festival 1956:An elegant public during the intermission.

Dancing with torches around the Residenz-Fountain, Salzburg Festival 1956.

Dancing with torches around the Residenz-Fountain, Salzburg Festival 1956.