Head of a sphinx,Corinthian style from Thebes (Greece),around 530 BCE....
Sleeping hermaphrodite. Stone figure. Roman repl...
From the treasure of Boscoreale. Back of a mirror with ha...
Orpheus mosaic,Orpheus plays to the animals.
"Theseus-Mosaic", floor mosaic from a Roman villa, Loigersfelder near Salzb...
Ulysses leaves Circe and sails past the Sirenes. Mosaic (3rd CE) from the pavem...
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Prometheus and satyr,a scene from a satyrical play about the myth of Promot...
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The quarrel between Tydeus and Polyneikes under the gate of Argos where they...
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The quarrel between Tydeus and Polyneikes under the gate of Argos where the...
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The death of Hypolitos.The horses of his quadriga shy before the monster which...
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Ulysses receives the wine from Maron,priest of Apollo, with which he will make...
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Ulysses receives the wine from Maron,priest of Apollo, with which he will make...