

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,471 photos
The Megaron of the Royal Palace (8th BCE), Thebes.

The Megaron of the Royal Palace (8th BCE), Thebes.

Crossroad on the route to Delphi, Mount Parnassus in   
the background, the mythical site where Oedipus killed 
his father Laios by mistake.

Crossroad on the route to Delphi, Mount Parnassus in the background, the myth...

Crossroad on the route to Delphi, Mount Parnassus in   
the background, the mythical site where Oedipus killed 
his father Laios by mistake.

Crossroad on the route to Delphi, Mount Parnassus in the background, the myth...

Valley of Tempe in Thessaly. Apollo's sanctuary and    
the spring of the Nymphs were here.

Valley of Tempe in Thessaly. Apollo's sanctuary and the spring of the Nymphs...

Valley of Tempe, Thessaly. Apollo's sanctuary was here 
on the Peneios River.

Valley of Tempe, Thessaly. Apollo's sanctuary was here on the Peneios River.

Mount Oeta, not far from the Thermophylae Pass. From   
here, Heracles is said to have ascended to Olympus.

Mount Oeta, not far from the Thermophylae Pass. From here, Heracles is said t...

Mount Helikon in Boeotia, where the Bacchanalia were   

Mount Helikon in Boeotia, where the Bacchanalia were celebrated.

Landscape near the Isthmus of Corinth, Peloponnesus.   
Here Procrustes robbed travellers and was killed by    

Landscape near the Isthmus of Corinth, Peloponnesus. Here Procrustes robbed t...

Landscape near the Isthmus of Corinth,where,according  
to Greek myth,the robber Sinis used to bend two pine   
trees down to the ground and tie his victims to the    
tree tops.When he let go,the men were torn in two.     
When Heracles beat Sinis,he suffered the same fate.

Landscape near the Isthmus of Corinth,where,according to Greek myth,the robber...

Moulourian Rock between Athens and Corinth, Greece.    
From this rock Ino, wife of Athamas, jumped into       
the sea with her son Melikertes, who was saved by a    
dolphin. Ino was transformed into the sea-goddess      
Leukothea. (Euripides, "Ino").

Moulourian Rock between Athens and Corinth, Greece. From this rock Ino, wife...

Cape Drepanon, between Patras and Aiyion,              
where,according to legend, Zeus threw the sickle       
into the sea with which he had castrated his father    

Cape Drepanon, between Patras and Aiyion, where,according to legen...

Mount Kyllene, Arcadia, the legendary birthplace of    

Mount Kyllene, Arcadia, the legendary birthplace of Hermes.