

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Naked, circumcised prisoners of Semitic origin are led 
before a king on his throne.An Egyptian soldier leads  
the prisoners, followed by a war-chariot.Ivory,        
probably a furniture-ornament.From Megiddo,Israel.     
See also 08-05-05/22-24.Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem.

Naked, circumcised prisoners of Semitic origin are led before a king on his thr...

Naked, circumcised prisoners of Semitic origin are led 
before a king on his throne.Ivory,furniture ornament.  
Detail: the king (Pharaoh?) on his sphinx-throne,      
drinking from a cup.A musician.From Megiddo,Israel.    
See also 08-05-05/22-24.Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem.

Naked, circumcised prisoners of Semitic origin are led before a king on his thr...

Winged sphinx in a lotus thicket.                      
Ivory (open work)                                      
from Megiddo, Israel                                   
Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem

Winged sphinx in a lotus thicket. Ivory (open work)...

Winged sphinx with Egyptian crown. Ivory (open-work)   
from Arslan Tash, the ancient Hadatu, Northern Syria.  
10 x 14 cm

Winged sphinx with Egyptian crown. Ivory (open-work) from Arslan Tash, the an...

Two winged genii, in the center Horus on the lotus.    
Carved ivory plaque with golden elevations             
Egyptian influence (head gear)                         
from Arslan Tash, ancient Hadatu, Northern Syria       
9.9 x 8.5 cm. AO 11465

Two winged genii, in the center Horus on the lotus. Carved ivory plaque with...

Lions and sphinxes in high-relief.                     
Ivory box carved from one piece, from a hoard          
found in a 12th BCE palace in Megiddo, Israel          
Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem

Lions and sphinxes in high-relief. Ivory box carved from on...

Winged genii (probably Isis and Nephtys) kneeling      
on either side of a djed pillar, symbol of Osiris.     
Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem

Winged genii (probably Isis and Nephtys) kneeling on either side of a djed...

Kneeling falcon-headed god with small seated Maat:     
Left half of an ivory plaque representing the infant   
Horus on a lotus between two kneeling figures.         
From Samaria, Israel                                   
Collections of IDAM, Jerusalem

Kneeling falcon-headed god with small seated Maat: Left half of an ivory pl...

Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh describing
the deeds of the legendary hero who
sought eternal life (15th BCE).
From Megiddo, Israel
Terracotta, fragment
#080506 3

Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh describing the deeds of the legendary hero who soug...

Seal showing winged animal with                        
crown and Hebrew inscription.                          
Stone, from Jerusalem                                  
Size 0.8 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm                                
Inv. H 617

Seal showing winged animal with crown and Hebrew inscrip...

Satyr. Marble statue.                                  
Roman copy of a Hellenistic                            
original,  from Caesarea.

Satyr. Marble statue. Roman copy of a Hellenis...

Aphrodite. Bronze figurine (3rd BCE).

Aphrodite. Bronze figurine (3rd BCE).