Goddess Hera. Colossal stone head from...
Heracles, son of Zeus. Stone head from the Augi...
Atlas, Heracles, and Athena with the apples of Hespe...
The seer (Kalchas). Stone figure (480 BCE) f...
God Apollo. Stone figure (480 BCE) f...
Two hands. Detail from the group of Lapith women. Stone figure (480 BCE) f...
Hermes with infant Dionysos on his arm. Detail of 10-01-01/27....
Hermes with infant Dionysos on his arm. See also 10-01-01/26....
The Panathenaic Procession (water carriers). Relief (440-432 BCE) fro...
Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis. Relief (440-432 BCE) fro...
Poseidon and Apollo. Relief (440-432 BCE) fro...
Goddess Artemis. Relief (440-432 BCE) fro...