Capaneus thrown off the ladder, by Zeus' lightning, on which he tried to sca...
Greek and Trojan warriors fighting. Frieze on the tomb of a Lycian prince....
Trojan and Greek warriors fighting hand to hand. Frieze on the tomb of a...
Greek warrior with shield in a hand to hand fight with a Trojan. Frieze on...
Greek warrior with a shield in a hand to hand fight with a Trojan. Frieze on...
Penelope and her hand-maiden. Frieze on the tomb of a Lycian prince. Det...
Eumaios and Ulysses enter the banquet hall where the suitors are feasting. T...
Penelope's suitors slain by Ulysses and Telemachos. Frieze on the tomb of a...
One of Penelope's suitors hiding under a table. Frieze on the tomb of a...
Ulysses threatening Circe. Relief on the sidepanel...
Ulysses sacrificing a ram. Bas-relief on the sidep...
Marble gate of a tumulus tomb (6th-1st BCE). Gold knob ornaments and...