

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon. A sphinx, guardian of the tomb.   
Detail of 10-01-09/46. End 5th BCE                     
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm                  
Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon. A s...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon.Short face: two centaurs fighting  
over a deer.The centaur on the left, with a panther    
skin over the shoulder,tries to stick a branch into the
eye of the other. End 5th BCE     Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon.Shor...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon. The tympanon of the lid shows     
two griffins, one male, one female, with eagles' heads 
and spiked crests. End 5th BCE                         
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm    Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon. The...

The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle           
between the Greek heroes and the mythical female       
warriors. 2nd half 4th BCE.  Detail  left side         
Marble, L: 264 cm          Inv. I 169

The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle between the Greek heroes...

The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle           
between the Greek heroes and the mythical female       
warriors. 2nd half 4th BCE. right side detail          
Marble, L: 264 cm          Inv. I 169

The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle between the Greek heroes...

Dionysos and Ariadne, 2nd half 2nd century CE          
Marble        Inv. I 212

Dionysos and Ariadne, 2nd half 2nd century CE Marble Inv. I 212

The rape of Persephone, Zeus' daughter. She is         
abducted by Hades and carried by force into the        
underworld. Second half 2nd CE.                        
Inv. I 1126

The rape of Persephone, Zeus' daughter. She is abducted by Hades and ca...

Goddess Athena.                                        
Marble bust (2nd-1st BCE)                              
Roman copy of a Greek original of the 5th BCE          
found in the Villa of Hadrian, Rome, Italy             
Height 96.5 cm - Inv. I 168

Goddess Athena. Marble bust (2nd-1st BCE...

"Theseus-Mosaic",  floor mosaic from a Roman villa,    
Loigersfelder near Salzburg, Austria. Center:          
Theseus kills the Minotaur; top:Theseus and Ariadne    
aboard ship: right: grieving Ariadne.                  
See also 11-01-01/68-70  Size: 56,5 x 58cm  Inv. II 20

"Theseus-Mosaic", floor mosaic from a Roman villa, Loigersfelder near Salzb...

"Theseus-Mosaic",  floor mosaic from a Roman villa,    
Loigersfelder near Salzburg, Austria. Detail:          
grieving Ariadne. See also 11-01-01/68-70              
Size: 56,5 x 58 cm           Inv. II 20

"Theseus-Mosaic", floor mosaic from a Roman villa, Loigersfelder near Salzb...

"Theseus-Mosaic",  floor mosaic from a Roman villa,    
Loigersfelder near Salzburg, Austria.                  
Detail: corner ornament. See also 11-01-01/68-70       
Total size: 56,5 x 58 cm     Inv. II 20

"Theseus-Mosaic", floor mosaic from a Roman villa, Loigersfelder near Salzb...

Agamemnon's gold mask (16th BCE)                       
from Tomb V, Mycenae.                                  
Onv. 624

Agamemnon's gold mask (16th BCE) from Tomb V, Mycenae....