

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
One of Ulysses' companions.                            
Bronze statuette (5th BCE)                             
found on the Acropolis, Athens.                        
Inv. 811                                               
Oppermann Collection

One of Ulysses' companions. Bronze statuette (5th BC...

Zeus. Bronze statuette                                 
(beginning 5th BCE).                                   
Height 9.8 cm                                          
Inv. VI 90

Zeus. Bronze statuette (beginning 5th BCE)....

Zeus on his throne. Bronze statuette (6th BCE,         
Corinthian) found on Mount Lycaeum                     
(Probably Zeus Lycaeus).                               
Height 12 cm                                           
Inv. 13209

Zeus on his throne. Bronze statuette (6th BCE, Corinthian) found on Mou...

Ulysses as charioteer. Bronze plaque (6th BCE)         
from the foot of a cyst.                               
Inv. 810

Ulysses as charioteer. Bronze plaque (6th BCE) from the foot of a cyst....

Athena. Bronze figure (475 BCE).                       
Height 20.3 cm                                         
Br 173

Athena. Bronze figure (475 BCE). Height 20.3 cm...

Hermes. Bronze statue (5th BCE).                       
No. 13 219

Hermes. Bronze statue (5th BCE). No. 13 219

Scylla. Handle from a mirror.                          
Bronze (about 310 BCE)                                 
from Tarentum (Tarent), Italy.                         
Br 1686

Scylla. Handle from a mirror. Bronze (about 310 BCE)...

Zeus the Thunderer. Bronze statuette (5th BCE)         
from Dodona.                                           
Nr. 10 561

Zeus the Thunderer. Bronze statuette (5th BCE) from Dodona....

Apollo. Bronze figure (1st BCE) with copper incrustations and Doric dedication to the Goddess Athena. Found in the sea,near Piombino in 1832. Although reminiscent of an archaic kuros, the statue now is thought to have been made for Roman customers. Inside was found a small plaque (now lost) with the names of two sculptors active in the first BCE.
H: 115 cm      Br 2

Apollo. Bronze figure (1st BCE) with copper incrustations and Doric dedication t...

Heracles. Bronze statuette,                            
Roman copy of a Greek original                         
(1st half 4th BCE)                                     
Height 33.2 cm                                         
Inv. VI 2722

Heracles. Bronze statuette, Roman copy of a Greek or...

General (so-called Agamemnon). Bronze statuette.       
Roman copy of a Greek original                         
(2nd half 4th BCE).                                    
Height 44 cm                                           
Inv. VI 321

General (so-called Agamemnon). Bronze statuette. Roman copy of a Greek or...

Apollo of Siebenbuergen (Transsylvania). The god would 
have held a bow in his lowered right hand and a laurel 
twig, symbol of atonement, in his left hand.           
Bronze, H: 282,5 cm          Inv. VI 2848

Apollo of Siebenbuergen (Transsylvania). The god would have held a bow in his l...