One of Ulysses' companions. Bronze statuette (5th BC...
Zeus. Bronze statuette (beginning 5th BCE)....
Zeus on his throne. Bronze statuette (6th BCE, Corinthian) found on Mou...
Ulysses as charioteer. Bronze plaque (6th BCE) from the foot of a cyst....
Athena. Bronze figure (475 BCE). Height 20.3 cm...
Hermes. Bronze statue (5th BCE). No. 13 219
Scylla. Handle from a mirror. Bronze (about 310 BCE)...
Zeus the Thunderer. Bronze statuette (5th BCE) from Dodona....
Apollo. Bronze figure (1st BCE) with copper incrustations and Doric dedication t...
Heracles. Bronze statuette, Roman copy of a Greek or...
General (so-called Agamemnon). Bronze statuette. Roman copy of a Greek or...
Apollo of Siebenbuergen (Transsylvania). The god would have held a bow in his l...