

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Scylla. Earthenware decoration on a red-figured vase.  
Late Italic.                                           
Height of the whole vase 38 cm                         
Inv. 99.541
#100202 5

Scylla. Earthenware decoration on a red-figured vase. Late Italic....

Orpheus with lyre surrounded by animals. Stone relief  
(2nd BCE).
#100202 6

Orpheus with lyre surrounded by animals. Stone relief (2nd BCE).

Orpheus playing the lyre before Hades.                 
Red-figured "Underworld crater" (2nd-3rd CE).
#100202 8

Orpheus playing the lyre before Hades. Red-figured "Underworld...

Satyr playing with a panther. Marble statue,           
copy of a Hellenistic original (around 40 BCE)         
from Caesarea.                                         
Inv. 162

Satyr playing with a panther. Marble statue, copy of a Hellenistic or...

Amazons seeking asylum in the sancturay of Artemis.    
Freeze from the temple of Emperor Hadrian, Ephesus.    
Marble relief (3rd-4th CE)                             
Height 60 cm, length 209 cm                            
Inv. 713-716

Amazons seeking asylum in the sancturay of Artemis. Freeze from the temple o...

Androklos hunting the boar. Marble torso (150 CE)      
from the Emperor's Hall, Vedius Gymnasium, Ephesus,    
probably a portrait of Antinoos.                       
Height 196 cm                                          
Inv. 45

Androklos hunting the boar. Marble torso (150 CE) from the Emperor's Hall,...

Melpomene (muse of tragic poetry),                     
her right hand on a club posed on a bull's head.       
Marble figure (3rd CE), found in front                 
of the Celsus Library, Ephesus, Turkey.                
Height 132 cm. Inv. I 812

Melpomene (muse of tragic poetry), her right hand on a club...

Satyr. Marble head (2nd half 2nd CE)                   
from the theatre of Ephesus, Turkey.                   
Copy of a Hellenistic original of 150 BCE.             
Height 26.5 cm                                         
Inv. I 834

Satyr. Marble head (2nd half 2nd CE) from the theatre of Ephe...

Penelope and Euryclea. Terracotta relief               
(1st CE).                                              
Campana Collection.

Penelope and Euryclea. Terracotta relief (1st CE)....

Atlas Farnese. Atlas carrying the cosmic globe         
on his shoulders.                                      
Marble figure (late Roman Period, 3rd CE).

Atlas Farnese. Atlas carrying the cosmic globe on his shoulders....

Ulysses. Bronze statuette (1st-3rd CE).                
Roman Period.                                          
Height 140 cm                                          
Inv. 809

Ulysses. Bronze statuette (1st-3rd CE). Roman Period....

Ulysses. Fragment of a marble statue (1st BCE)         
from the cave of Tiberius in Sperlonga showing         
the ship of Ulysses attacked by Scylla.                
Height 65 cm

Ulysses. Fragment of a marble statue (1st BCE) from the cave of Tiberi...