

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
God Dionysos.                                          
Attic red-figured amphora                              
(490 BCE).

God Dionysos. Attic red-figured amphor...

Theseus and Procrustes.                                
Red-figured bell-crater,                               
Attic (470 BCE).                                       
Height 28.5 cm                                         
Inv. IV 321

Theseus and Procrustes. Red-figured bell-crater,...

Hermes kills the hundred-eyed Argos                    
who guards the cow Io, Zeus watching on the right.     
Red-figured Stamnos, Attic (beginning 5th BCE).        
Height 29.8 cm                                         
Inv. IV 3729

Hermes kills the hundred-eyed Argos who guards the cow Io, Z...

Ulysses' companions changed into swine by Circe.       
Attic red-figured lekythos (5th BCE).                  
Inv. 9.685

Ulysses' companions changed into swine by Circe. Attic red-figured lekyth...

Siren (Mermaid).                                       
Attic red-figured stamnos                              
(5th BCE).

Siren (Mermaid). Attic red-figured stamno...

Oarsmen rowing.                                        
Attic red-figured stamnos                              
(5th BCE).

Oarsmen rowing. Attic red-figured stamno...

Ulysses bound to the mast as sirens call.              
Red-figured stamnos (5th BCE).                         
Canino Collection

Ulysses bound to the mast as sirens call. Red-figured stamnos (5th...

Nestor, one of the Greek leaders in the Torjan War.    
Attic red-figured vase (5th BCE).                      
Luynes Collection 732

Nestor, one of the Greek leaders in the Torjan War. Attic red-figured vase (...

Nestor and Telemachos.                                 
Red-figured bowl (4th BCE)                             
from southern Italy.                                   
Inv. Antiq. 3 289

Nestor and Telemachos. Red-figured bowl (4th B...

Ulysses and Calypso.                                   
Red-figured vase (5th BCE).

Ulysses and Calypso. Red-figured vase (5th BC...

Ulysses and Athena at the meeting with Nausicaa.       
Attic red-figured amphora from Vulci (5th BCE).        
Inv. 2322

Ulysses and Athena at the meeting with Nausicaa. Attic red-figured amphor...

Ulysses and Athena at the meeting with Nausicaa.       
Attic red-figured amphora (5th BCE).                   
Inv. 2322

Ulysses and Athena at the meeting with Nausicaa. Attic red-figured amphor...