Orpheus playing the lyre before Hades in the underworld Monumental southern Ital...
Hades and Persephone in their palace in the underworld. Monumental southern Ital...
Dionysos and his followers. Southern Italian crater...
Tantalus in the underworld. Monumental southern Ital...
Sisyphus punished. In the background Hercul...
The madness of Lykurgos and Dionysos. Monumental southern Ital...
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Europa riding the bull. Red-figured cup from Apu...
Apollo (with lyre) and Artemis sacrificing over a fire burning on a...
Apollo riding a griffin while playing the lyre. Red-figured Attic cup, 1...
Poseidon (with trident) fighting the Giants. Red-figured Attic crater...
Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx. Red-figured Attic pelike...
Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx. Black-figured lekythos f...