

2 subcategories


Mythological Animals


2,473 photos
Sitting Hercules with staff and lion-skin.             
Hellenistic, from Israel.

Sitting Hercules with staff and lion-skin. Hellenistic, from Israel...

The Acropolis in Athens. View across the Propylees.    
In the foreground an olive tree, said to be the one    
Zeus planted.

The Acropolis in Athens. View across the Propylees. In the foreground an oli...

The Isole Galli, in the Gulf of Salerno, Italy.        
In Greek myth they were supposed to be the Islands of  
the Sirens.

The Isole Galli, in the Gulf of Salerno, Italy. In Greek myth they were...

The Isole Galli, in the Gulf of Salerno, Italy.        
In Greek myth they were said to be the Islands of      
the Sirens.

The Isole Galli, in the Gulf of Salerno, Italy. In Greek myth they were...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze group              
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins werde added during the Renaissance.
#100401 1

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founder of Rome). Bronze head                
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins were added during the Renaissance.
#100401 2

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founder of Rom...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze head (profile)     
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins werde added during the Renaissance.
#100401 3

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze group              
cast after a Hellenistic-Ionian model.                 
The twins were added during the Renaissance.
#100401 4

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

Ulysses and the cyclops Polyphem.                      
Fragment of a marble group (mid 1st BCE)               
from the cave of Tiberius in Sperlonga                 
showing the ship of Ulyssses attacked by Scylla.       
Height 215 cm, length 295 cm

Ulysses and the cyclops Polyphem. Fragment of a marble gro...

Black onyx seal of Emperor Agustus.                    
Relief shows a sphynx.

Black onyx seal of Emperor Agustus. Relief shows a sphynx.

Aphrodite. Marble bust from the Parthian Monument      
(170 CE), found in front of the Atrium Thermarum,      
Ephesus, Turkey.                                       
179 x 145 cm                                           
Inv. I 1658

Aphrodite. Marble bust from the Parthian Monument (170 CE), found in front...

Goddess Athena. Marble head                            
from the Parthian Monument                             
(170 CE), Ephesus, Turkey.                             
Height 58 cm                                           
Inv. I 1672

Goddess Athena. Marble head from the Parthian Monume...