A Giant falls to the feet of Aphrodite who, with her elegantly...
Athena fights Gaia's sons while Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, emerges from below a...
Zeus and his companions during the battle against the Giants. Zeus Altar of Perg...
A Giant bites the arm of a God who catches him in a stranglehold. Zeus Altar of...
The Goddess Hekate, with buckler and torch, fights a Giant. Zeus Altar of Pergam...
Goddess Hekate battling the Giants with torch and buckler....
An unidentified deiety strangles a monstrous Giant with a lion's head...
The Lion-goddess during the battle between the Gods and the...
Auge, who was raped by Herakles and bore him Telephos, watches pr...
Theuthras, Auge's husband, descends to the beach to greet Telephos....
Telephos and his companions in Mysia. From the narrow frieze o...
Temple dedicated to Castor and Pollux, Agrigentum, Sicily.