
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Overall view of Aphrodisias,Turkey. In the foreground  
the temple of Aphrodite,with its 14 columns still      
standing. In the background the Baba Dag Range.

Overall view of Aphrodisias,Turkey. In the foreground the temple of Aphrodite,...

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name     
of the town suggests that the Greek settlers may have  
built their city on the site of an ancient Astarte     
sanctuary. Remnants of more ancient shrines go back    
to the 7th BCE.

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name of the town suggests tha...

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name     
of the town suggests that the Greek settlers may have  
built their city on the site of an ancient Astarte     
sanctuary. Remnants of more ancient shrines go back    
to the 7th BCE.

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name of the town suggests tha...

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name     
of the town suggests that the Greek settlers may have  
built their city on the site of an ancient Astarte     
sanctuary. Remenants of more ancient shrines go back   
to the 7th BCE.

Temple of Aphrodite, Aphrodisias, Turkey. The name of the town suggests tha...

Temple of Aphrodite, Ahprodisias, Turkey. The name     
of the town suggests that the Greek settlers may have  
built their city on the site of an ancient Astarte-    
sanctuary. Remnants of more ancient shrines go back    
the the 7th BCE.

Temple of Aphrodite, Ahprodisias, Turkey. The name of the town suggests tha...

The Odeion or Concert Hall, Aphrodisias, Turkey.       
It had a sunken orchestra next to the stage.           
The Odeion was connected to the Agora or market        
place through a portico (6th-1st BCE).

The Odeion or Concert Hall, Aphrodisias, Turkey. It had a sunken orchestr...

Mamertine or Tullian prison on the Forum in Rome,      
called after Servius Tullius, 6th King of Rome.        
This is the jail where Vercingetorix and Jughurta      
died and Saint Peter was imprisoned.

Mamertine or Tullian prison on the Forum in Rome, called after Servius Tul...

Actors' entrance to the stage of the theatre           
at Iasos, Turkey.

Actors' entrance to the stage of the theatre at Iasos, Turkey.

Base of an altar at Iasos, Turkey

Base of an altar at Iasos, Turkey

Base of a column from the temple at Iasos, Turkey.

Base of a column from the temple at Iasos, Turkey.

Detail of the archaeological site at Iasos, Turkey

Detail of the archaeological site at Iasos, Turkey

The seduction of Yussuf by Suleika,from a book         
of tales. From Herat, Afghanistan, 1488.               
30,5 x 21,5 cm, see also 02-01-01/26                   
Inv. MS Arab Farsi 908

The seduction of Yussuf by Suleika,from a book of tales. From Herat, Af...