41 photos
Members of a cooperative plough fields near the Danube
in Hungary.

Members of a cooperative plough fields near the Danube in Hungary.

Harvest in a Hungarian cooperative.

Harvest in a Hungarian cooperative.

Making hay in  a Hungarian cooperative.

Making hay in a Hungarian cooperative.

A break during harvesting in a Hungarian cooperative.

A break during harvesting in a Hungarian cooperative.

Harvesting in a Hungarian cooperative.

Harvesting in a Hungarian cooperative.

Farmwomen selling cherries in the Hungarian puszta.

Farmwomen selling cherries in the Hungarian puszta.

Haystacks in the Puszta, the large Hungarian plain.

Haystacks in the Puszta, the large Hungarian plain.

Board meeting of the agricultural cooperative at Hajnal,a former estate of a Cistercian monastery.During the meeting,
work is distributed to the various brigades,plans for
the harvest are made and accounts settled.
Hungary, May 1956
#560501 6A

Board meeting of the agricultural cooperative at Hajnal,a former estate of a Cis...

Hungary before the Revolution of 1956:Board meeting
of the agricultural cooperative at Hajnal,a former
estate of a Cistercian monastery.During the meeting,
work is distributed to the various brigades,plans for
the harvest are made and accounts settled.Hungary,1956

Hungary before the Revolution of 1956:Board meeting of the agricultural cooperat...

Hungary before the Revolution of 1956: Lunch for a farmer's family in the cooperative "Hajnal" ("Dawn") in Zirce, a former estate of a Cistertian Monastery.

Hungary before the Revolution of 1956: Lunch for a farmer's family in the cooper...

Buying a hand-made rake at the village market in Hajnal.

Buying a hand-made rake at the village market in Hajnal.

Under Communist rule in Hungary,most farms were        
turned into huge agricultural cooperatives.Private     
farming was restricted to small plots for family-use   
and private sale on the free market.Farmers and their  
children returning from a farmers' market.

Under Communist rule in Hungary,most farms were turned into huge agricul...