History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
Chinese propaganda poster: Advocating birth control. China, early 1960s.
The Armada Jewel, miniature of Queen Elizabeth I enclosed in a jewelled case. En...
Mughal gold mohur (gold coin) of Jahangir depicting the sign of Sagittarius. Ind...
King Charles I holding sword and olive branch, Triple Unite (English coin). The...
Half-crown silver coin of Oliver Cromwell, 1658. The Latin inscription reads: O...
Otto Lehmann: "Stuetzt unsre Feldgrauen - Zerreisst Englands Macht - Zeichnet Kr...
Dewey: "Our Daddy is fighting at the Front for You". USA, 1917. Colour lithograp...
Anti-Bolshevism poster, published by the propaganda department of Odessa during...
Vladimir Krinski: "Ein Tempel der Maschinenanbeter - A Temple of Machine Worship...
Political poster. Russia, 1967. Colour lithograph, 89 x 58.5cm. Poster commemor...
#050102 1
The Great Wall of China was begun by the first Emperor of the united country, Q...
#050102 2
The Great Wall of China was begun by the first Emperor of the united country, Q...