
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

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French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Gnarled old tree in Beit El, Israel. It was here that
Jacob, Abraham's grandson, had his dream of a ladder
connecting heaven and earth and therefore called the
place Beit El, House of God (Genesis 28:1)

Gnarled old tree in Beit El, Israel. It was here that Jacob, Abraham's grandson,...

Kiryat Shearim, West of Jerusalem, Israel. According to
Biblical tradition, this is the place where the Ark of 
the Covenant made a last halt before reaching Jerusalem
(II Samuel 6:2)

Kiryat Shearim, West of Jerusalem, Israel. According to Biblical tradition, this...

Kirjat Jearim, Israel, where, according to Biblical    
Tradition, the Ark of the Covenant rested for the last 
time before reaching Jerusalem (II Samuel 6:2)

Kirjat Jearim, Israel, where, according to Biblical Tradition, the Ark of th...

The Ruins of the City of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite city
east of Beit El. Abraham pitched his tent here and
returned to Ai after his sojourn in Egypt. Joshua was
defeated at Ai and conquered the city only after a
second attempt (Joshua 7:1)

The Ruins of the City of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite city east of Beit El. Abraham p...

Fortifications of the city of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite
city east of Beit El. Abraham pitched his tent here
and returned to Ai after his sojourn in Egypt. Joshua
was defeated at Ai and conquered the city only after
a second attempt (Joshua 7:1)

Fortifications of the city of Ai, Israel, a Canaanite city east of Beit El. Abra...

Jericho, Israel, and general view of the Mountains of  
Moab. Jericho is one of the world's oldest settlements 
situated in a fertile oasis. The "Horns of Jericho"    
were used during Joshua's conquest.                    
(Joshua 2:1)

Jericho, Israel, and general view of the Mountains of Moab. Jericho is one of...

Jericho, Israel. The Oasis of Jericho seen against the 
surrounding desert. The "Horns of Jericho" were used   
during Joshua's conquest (Joshua 2:1)

Jericho, Israel. The Oasis of Jericho seen against the surrounding desert. The...

Oasis and waterfall of Ein Gedi, Israel, on the        
western shore of the Dead Sea, known since antiquity   
for its aromatic plants, palm trees and balsam.        
David hid himself here from Saul.

Oasis and waterfall of Ein Gedi, Israel, on the western shore of the Dea...

The Fortress Masada on the shores of the Dead Sea,     
Israel; a castle of the Hasmonean kings, fortified by  
Herod the Great, and finally the place of the ultimate 
stand of the Jewish zelots against Rome. Masada fell   
in 74 CE, after two years of siege by L. Flavius Silva.

The Fortress Masada on the shores of the Dead Sea, Israel; a castle of the...

View from the Fortress of Masada, Israel, down to the  
Dead Sea; a castle of the Hasmonean Kings, fortified   
by Herod the great, and finally the place of the last  
stand of Jewish Zelots against Rome. Masada fell in    
74 CE, after two years of siege by L. Flavius Silva.

View from the Fortress of Masada, Israel, down to the Dead Sea; a castle of th...

The Roman camp at the foot of Masada, Israel. The      
Fortress was the final refuge and ultimate stand of    
the Jewish Zelots and fell after two years of siege by 
L. Flavius Silva in 74 CE. All survivors of the long   
siege, including women and children, committed suicide.

The Roman camp at the foot of Masada, Israel. The Fortress was the final r...

Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the  
southern end of the Dead Sea to the northern end of    
the Gulf of Akkaba. It is a near-desert region with    
sheer rock walls. Acacias are the only trees which     
grow there and are mentioned as firewood in the Bible.

Arava, Israel, a wide valley which stretches from the southern end of the Dead...