
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by   
King Solomon ("first Temple"),destroyed by the Baby-   
lonians,restored around 520 BCE("second Temple") and   
rebuilt by Herod in the second half of the 1st century 
BCE, it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 BCE.
#080405 5

The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by King Solomon ("first Tem...

The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by   
King Solomon ("first Temple"),destroyed by the Baby-   
lonians,restored around 520 BCE("second Temple") and   
rebuilt by Herod in the second half of the 1st century 
BCE, it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 BCE.
#080405 6

The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by King Solomon ("first Tem...

The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by   
King Solomon ("first Temple"),destroyed by the Baby-   
lonians,restored around 520 BCE("second Temple") and   
rebuilt by Herod in the second half of the 1st century 
BCE, it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 BCE.
#080405 7

The Western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.Built by King Solomon ("first Tem...

Pool of Siloam, a water reservoir constructed under    
King Hezekiah (716-687 BCE), to ensure Jerusalem's     
water supply under a siege.

Pool of Siloam, a water reservoir constructed under King Hezekiah (716-687 B...

The Solomonic gate in Gezer.The city of Gezer was      
given to King Solomon by the Pharaoh as a dowry at     
the marriage of the Pharaoh's daughter to the King.    
Solomon built fortifications for "Jerusalem, Hazor,    
Megiddo and Gezer"(1 Kings 9:15-17)

The Solomonic gate in Gezer.The city of Gezer was given to King Solomon by...

The Solomonic gate in Gezer.The city of Gezer was      
given to King Solomon by the Pharaoh as a dowry at     
the marriage of the Pharaoh's daughter to the King.    
Solomon built fortifications for "Jerusalem, Hazor,    
Megiddo and Gezer"(1 Kings 9:15-17)

The Solomonic gate in Gezer.The city of Gezer was given to King Solomon by...

The Ark of the Law. Detail from the pavement of         
the Beth Alpha Synagogue.

The Ark of the Law. Detail from the pavement of the Beth Alpha Synagog...

The Sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:Abraham and Isaac,
from the pavement of the Beth Alpha synagogue.

The Sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:Abraham and Isaac, from the pavement of the Beth A...

The Sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:Abraham.
From the pavement of the Beth Alpha synagogue.

The Sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:Abraham. From the pavement of the Beth Alpha synag...

The sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:servants leading
a donkey. From the pavement of the Beth Alpha

The sacrifice of Isaac.Detail:servants leading a donkey. From the pavement of th...

The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification 
was built by king Jeroboam (10th BCE);the gate itself  
(29,5 x 17,8 m)comprises two towers with two guard     
rooms on either side.A reconstructed throne at the     

The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification was built by king Jerobo...

Tombs in the Kidron Valley,from left to right:So-called
"Hand of Absalom'"; tomb of Bene Hezir,for several members 
of the priestly family of that name,and the tomb of    
#080406 2

Tombs in the Kidron Valley,from left to right:So-called "Hand of Absalom'"; tom...