
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Fragments of Ecclesiastes - 4Q109 Kohelet 
From the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in the caves of
Qumran. Dimensions: 14.5 x 19cm.

Fragments of Ecclesiastes - 4Q109 Kohelet From the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in...

Hill of Gamla,Israel.The "camel-back" was fortified by 
Josephus Flavius during the First Jewish Revolt,it fell
to Vespasian's troops in 67 CE.                        
The synagogue in the settlement of Gamla.

Hill of Gamla,Israel.The "camel-back" was fortified by Josephus Flavius during...

Triangular arrow head with bent point and key.         
Arrow head, length 4.8 cm; key, length 7 cm.           
Bar Kochba Period, from the Judean Desert.             
Iron (132 CE)

Triangular arrow head with bent point and key. Arrow head, length 4.8 c...

Oil lamp from Jerusalem.                               
Terracotta (around 200 BCE)                            
Hellenistic/Maccabean Period                           
Private Collection, Vienna, Austria

Oil lamp from Jerusalem. Terracotta (around 200 B...

Woman's head in a window.    ("Woman in a window")                          Ivory relief, furniture decoration.

Woman's head in a window. ("Woman in a window") Ivor...

King Hazael of Damascus framed by a lotus flower.      
Carved ivory plaque, 8th BCE.                          
From Arslan Tash, ancient Hadatu, Northern Syria       
17.8 x 5.6 cm                                          
AO 11488

King Hazael of Damascus framed by a lotus flower. Carved ivory plaque, 8th...

Victory stele of Mesha, King of Moab.Mesha thanks      
God Chemosh for his victory over king Omri of Israel.  
The Israelites had established a fortress at Atharot,  
threatening Dhibon,Mesha's capital. See 08-05-14/4     
Black basalt,H:124 cm       AO 5066

Victory stele of Mesha, King of Moab.Mesha thanks God Chemosh for his vict...

Seal of Jeroboam, King of Israel                       
(1000 BCE). Copy of lost original

Seal of Jeroboam, King of Israel (1000 BCE). Copy of lost...

"Jerusalem", Hebrew inscription incised on a           
wall of a rock-cut burial cave near Lachish            
(early 6th BCE).

"Jerusalem", Hebrew inscription incised on a wall of a rock-cut buria...

Juglet containing clay balls bearing seal impressions  
with names. Next to it two stone weights (early 6th BC)
from Lachish, Israel.

Juglet containing clay balls bearing seal impressions with names. Next to it t...

Sennacherib's prism (691 BCE),  describing
the third campaign of the king to reassert
Assyrian hegemony over Syria and Canaan. It
mentions among others Hezekiah, King of Judah.

Sennacherib's prism (691 BCE), describing the third campaign of the king to rea...

Hasmonean bread stamp.                                 
Inscription: STAMP                                     
engraved in Aramaic                                    

Hasmonean bread stamp. Inscription: STAMP...