
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

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French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Caesar Marcus Aurelius sacrifices to the Capitoline Jupiter.
From the monument to Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE);
originally in the Church of Saints Luca and Martina, in the
Campidoglio since 1515.

Caesar Marcus Aurelius sacrifices to the Capitoline Jupiter. From the monument...

Caesar Marcus Aurelius enters Rome in his triumphal chariot.
From the monument to Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE);
originally in the Church of Saints Luca and Martina, in the
Campidoglio since 1515.

Caesar Marcus Aurelius enters Rome in his triumphal chariot. From the monument...

Allegorical figure of a Roman province. Marble

Allegorical figure of a Roman province. Marble

Allegorical figure of a Roman province. Marble

Allegorical figure of a Roman province. Marble

Front face of the sarcophagus "with trees" ("à arbres"): Scenes from the Old and the New Testament
First half of the 4th century CE; Rome ?
White marble; H.: 0,70m; W.: 2,17m
MR 807, Ma 2981

Front face of the sarcophagus "with trees" ("à arbres"): Scenes from the Old and...

Front panel of the sarcophagus' lid: the adoration of the three Magi and the three Hebrews in the furnance
Second half of the 4th century CE; Cherchel (Algeria)
H.: 0,31m; W.: 1,81m
Ma 3340

Front panel of the sarcophagus' lid: the adoration of the three Magi and the thr...

Hanging bowl from the Sutton Hoo burial, Anglo-Saxon, late 6th-early 7th century. This once magnificent and highly valued bronze hanging bowl has elaborately ornamented and inlaid hook-mounts, with extra ornamental square mounts in between. Inside, uniquely, is a free-standing silvery bronze fish that could rotate and appear to swim, indicating that the bowl may have held water for hand washing after a feast, or perhaps something stronger. Red, blue and pale green enamel were used, with inlaid glass, blue rods and bright patterns of millefiori. It was repaired using silver patches decorated in the local Anglo-Saxon style and is typical of medieval Celtic art from Britain and Ireland. The bowl was found in 1939 in a richly furnished ship burial at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. The burial, probably of King Raedwald, Anglo-Saxon ruler of East Anglia, is the most lavishly equipped tomb surviving from the early middle ages.
M&ME, 1939, 10-10,110

Hanging bowl from the Sutton Hoo burial, Anglo-Saxon, late 6th-early 7th century...

Bronze censer-cover, Anglo-Saxon, late 10th-early 11th century. The cover is in the form of a miniature church tower with rectangular pillars on a plinth crowned by an ornate gabled roof of a Rhenish (Rhineland) style. The plinth is decorated with simple punched ornament, while the triangular gables have rows of scallops, like roof tiles. A crude animal head projects from each corner like a gargoyle. The upper roof is made up of four panels of openwork birds and foliage, meeting below a knob and another animal head. The censer-cover would have been placed over a bowl of burning incense and hung from chains at each corner, the roof allowing the fragrant smoke to escape into the church. On one side is inscribed in Anglo-Saxon '+GODRIC ME WORHT', 'Godric made me'; possibly a metalworker associated with Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire, close to where the censer-cover was discovered in the eighteenth century.
M&ME, 1960,7-1,1

Bronze censer-cover, Anglo-Saxon, late 10th-early 11th century. The cover is in...

Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337 CE).
Marble head, fragment of a colossal statue
(overall height 12 m) (bronze garment and armour,
body marble) from the basilica of Constantine in

Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337 CE). Marble head, fragment of a colossal...

Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337 CE).
Marble hand, fragment of a colossal statue
(overall height 12 m) (bronze garment and armour,
body marble) from the basilica of Constantine in

Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337 CE). Marble hand, fragment of a colossal...

Stele inscribed with the Decree of Mytilene (also known as the Peace of Alexander the Great); 4th century BCE.

Stele inscribed with the Decree of Mytilene (also known as the Peace of Alexande...

A woman tries to pin down a snake with a long stick, while others watch. The woman in the centre is possibly an aristocrat or princess judging by her fine clothes. The older woman at right clasps her hands to her mouth in her anxiety.
A cat moves stealthily towars the snake.
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A woman tries to pin down a snake with a long stick, while others watch. The wom...