
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze group              
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins werde added during the Renaissance.
#100401 1

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founder of Rome). Bronze head                
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins were added during the Renaissance.
#100401 2

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founder of Rom...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze head (profile)     
probably cast by the Etruscan Vulca in Veji            
(550 BCE) based on a Hellenistic-Ionian model.         
The twins werde added during the Renaissance.
#100401 3

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus                    
(mythical founders of Rome). Bronze group              
cast after a Hellenistic-Ionian model.                 
The twins were added during the Renaissance.
#100401 4

She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (mythical founders of Ro...

Emperor Augustus in armour.                            
Marble figure from the Prima Porta,Rome.               
Height 204 cm
#100401 8

Emperor Augustus in armour. Marble figure from the P...

Emperor Augustus in military dress.                    
Marble figure from the Prima Porta.                    
Height 204 cm
#100401 9

Emperor Augustus in military dress. Marble figure from the P...

Sardonix Cameo showing Roman Emperor Augustus,inserted 
into the Lothar Cross.The cross was made in Cologne    
for Emperor Otto III, *980 +1002, Emperor 996-1002.
Its name derives from a rock- crystal also in the cross,
with Emperor Lothar's name.  
H:50 cm,wooden core with gold,silver,pearls and stones.

Sardonix Cameo showing Roman Emperor Augustus,inserted into the Lothar Cross.T...

Roman Emperor Tiberius (42 BCE-37 CE).                 
Blue gem (cameo) of glass paste,                       
late Augustan era (2nd quarter 1st CE)                 
Height 5.9 cm                                          
Inv. IX A 30

Roman Emperor Tiberius (42 BCE-37 CE). Blue gem (cameo) of gla...

Emperor Augustus offering to the gods.                 
Marble altar on the Forum in Pompeii.

Emperor Augustus offering to the gods. Marble altar on the Foru...

Black onyx seal of Emperor Agustus.                    
Relief shows a sphynx.

Black onyx seal of Emperor Agustus. Relief shows a sphynx.

Emperor Tiberius (42 BCE-37 CE).                           
Marble, 1st  CE                                        
Re-used during the reign of Emperor Constantine I      
in the new Forum (district of Cemberlitas, Istanbul)   
Inv. 5555 T

Emperor Tiberius (42 BCE-37 CE). Marble, 1st CE...

Emperor Claudius Germanicus (10 BCE-54 CE).            
Marble head                                            
Height 38 cm                                           
MA 1253

Emperor Claudius Germanicus (10 BCE-54 CE). Marble head...