
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
A lion's head. Close-up of 15-01-01/64, from           
the the panel "Noah's Ark" of the Verdun Altar.        
Enamel plaque in champleve technique on gilded         
copper (begun 1181)

A lion's head. Close-up of 15-01-01/64, from the the panel "Noah's Ar...

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,the Three Youths in     
the Fiery Furnace of Nebuchadenosor.                   
#150102 4

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,the Three Youths in the Fiery Furnace of Neb...

Jonas swallowed by the whale,                          
from Istanbul, Turkey.                                 
Limestone bas-relief

Jonas swallowed by the whale, from Istanbul, Turkey....

The prophet Habakuk brings bread to Daniel in the      
lion's pit,as God bade him.Habakuk did not know his    
way to the city of Babylon where Daniel was imprisoned.
Therefore an angel took him by his hair and carried    
him there. (Daniel 14:33) Limestone relief  Inv.2175 T

The prophet Habakuk brings bread to Daniel in the lion's pit,as God bade h...

Adam and Eve. Detail from the lower panel              
of the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, Roman             
prefect who died in 359 CE. High-relief.               
This belongs to one of the finest pieces               
of Roman funerary art of the 4th CE.

Adam and Eve. Detail from the lower panel of the sarcophagus of Ju...

Abraham's sacrifice. Detail of the lower
panel of the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus,
Roman prefect who died in 359 CE. High-relief.
This belongs to one of the finest pieces of
Roman funerary art of the 4th CE.

Abraham's sacrifice. Detail of the lower panel of the sarcophagus of Junius Bass...

Job, the just man of the Bible OT. Detail from the     
lower panel of the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus,       
Roman prefect who died in 359 CE. High-relief.         
This belongs to one of the finest pieces of Roman      
funerary art in the 4th CE.

Job, the just man of the Bible OT. Detail from the lower panel of the sarco...

Adam and Eve. Bas-relief                               
from a sarcophagus.

Adam and Eve. Bas-relief from a sarcophagus.

Noah leaving the Ark in praying attitude.              
Bas-relief from a marble sarcophagus

Noah leaving the Ark in praying attitude. Bas-relief from a marble...

Noah in praying attitude. Engraving.                   
Detail from a marble sarcophagus

Noah in praying attitude. Engraving. Detail from a marble sar...

Noah leaving the Ark in praying                        
Detail from a marble sarcophagus

Noah leaving the Ark in praying attitude....

Noah and his kin boarding the Ark.                     
Bas-relief from an early Christian                     
sarcophagus (6th CE)

Noah and his kin boarding the Ark. Bas-relief from an early...