History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.
A lion's head. Close-up of 15-01-01/64, from the the panel "Noah's Ar...
#150102 4
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,the Three Youths in the Fiery Furnace of Neb...
Jonas swallowed by the whale, from Istanbul, Turkey....
The prophet Habakuk brings bread to Daniel in the lion's pit,as God bade h...
Adam and Eve. Detail from the lower panel of the sarcophagus of Ju...
Abraham's sacrifice. Detail of the lower panel of the sarcophagus of Junius Bass...
Job, the just man of the Bible OT. Detail from the lower panel of the sarco...
Adam and Eve. Bas-relief from a sarcophagus.
Noah leaving the Ark in praying attitude. Bas-relief from a marble...
Noah in praying attitude. Engraving. Detail from a marble sar...
Noah leaving the Ark in praying attitude....
Noah and his kin boarding the Ark. Bas-relief from an early...