
History by Periods, War and Peace, Revolutions.

3 subcategories


French Revolution 1789


Napoleon Bonaparte


4,351 photos
Noah drinking wine and the Ark on Mount Ararat.        
Detail of "Noah and his Ark" from the panel on         
the bronze doors at Monreale Cathedral                 

Noah drinking wine and the Ark on Mount Ararat. Detail of "Noah and his...

Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat. Detail of                  
"Noah and his Ark" from the panel on                   
the bronze doors of Monreale Cathedral.                
Close-up of 15-01-03/45                                

Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat. Detail of "Noah and his Ark" from...

Noah. Bas-relief                                       
from a stone capital                                   
in Gerona, Spain

Noah. Bas-relief from a stone capital...

Workman with a plane, building Noah's Ark.             
Bas-relief from a stone capital in Gerona.

Workman with a plane, building Noah's Ark. Bas-relief from a stone...

Workmen with planes, building Noah's Ark.              
Bas-relief from a stone capital in Gerona

Workmen with planes, building Noah's Ark. Bas-relief from a stone...

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark.                 
Bas-relief from a stone capital in Gerona

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark. Bas-relief from a stone...

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark.                 
Close-up of 15-01-03/50                                
Bas-relief on a stone capital in Gerona.

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark. Close-up of 15-01-03/50...

Adam digging, Eve spinning.                            
Stone relief from Paris                                
(mid 13th)

Adam digging, Eve spinning. Stone relief from Paris...

Adam preparing food as Eve, in bed, nurses a child.    
Upper porch of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris              
Stone relief (mid 13th)

Adam preparing food as Eve, in bed, nurses a child. Upper porch of the Saint...

Cain and Abel offering their holocausts to God.        
Upper porch of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris              
Stone relief (mid 13th)

Cain and Abel offering their holocausts to God. Upper porch of the Saint...

Noah and his family offering a holocaust.              
Upper porch of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris              
Stone relief (mid 13th)

Noah and his family offering a holocaust. Upper porch of the Saint...

"The Construction of the Ark",                         
Noah and a son building.                               
Detail. Bas-relief on a stone                          
capital from the nave hall.

"The Construction of the Ark", Noah and a son building....