34 photos
Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: President General Eisenhower arrives at the Elysee and is greeted by French
Prime minister Debre.
May 15,1969
#601110 7

Failed Paris Summit Conference 1960: President General Eisenhower arrives at the...

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushchev     
decided to boycott the Summit Conference.              
After an improvised "strategy meeting" President       
De Gaulle sees off President Dwight D.Eisenhower.

Furious over the U-2 spy-plane incident,Khrushchev decided to boycott the S...

At the end of the strategy meeting,and after several   
Western attempts to bring Khrushtchev back to the      
negotiating table, Presidents Eisenhower and De Gaulle 
say good-bye on the steps of the Elysee Palace.        

At the end of the strategy meeting,and after several Western attempts to brin...

Waiting for Khrushtchev to return to the conference    
table are:Eisenhower,flanked by Secretary of State     
Christian herter,left;Macmillan with back to camera in 
center,De Gaulle with Prime Minister Michel Debre      
(second right). Paris,1960

Waiting for Khrushtchev to return to the conference table are:Eisenhower,fla...

Eisenhower and Malraux
#601128 6

Eisenhower and Malraux

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968,    
a US-delegation headed by Mr.Averell Harriman and a    
North-Vietnamese delegation under Mr.Xuan Thuy         
arrived in Paris for peace negotiations.Mr.Harriman    
arrives at the US-embassy.
#681401 8

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968, a US-delegation headed b...

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968,    
a US-delegation headed by Mr.Averell Harriman and a    
North-Vietnamese delegation under Mr.Xuan Thuy         
arrived in Paris for peace negotiations.Mr.Harriman    
and the US-delegation.Paris,1968

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968, a US-delegation headed b...

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968,    
a US-delegation headed by Mr.Averell Harriman and a    
North-Vietnamese delegation under Mr.Xuan Thuy         
arrived in Paris for peace negotiations.Mr.Harriman    
and the US-delegation.Paris,1968

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968, a US-delegation headed b...

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968,    
a US-delegation headed by Mr.Averell Harriman and a    
North-Vietnamese delegation under Mr.Xuan Thuy arrived 
in Paris for peace negotiations.Mr.Harriman surrounded 
by journalists in front of the Hotel Majestic.

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968, a US-delegation headed b...

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968,
a US-delegation headed by Mr.Averell Harriman and a
North-Vietnamese delegation under Mr.Xuan Thuy
arrived in Paris for peace negotiations.Mr.Harriman
and the US-delegation.Paris,1968

Peace talks to end the Vietnam War: On May 13,1968, a US-delegation headed by Mr...