Richard Strauss' "Rosenkavalier" at the Vienna Opera, Kurt Boehm (Ochs),Sena Jur...
A recording session of Mozart's "Don Giovanni",right: conductor Karl Boehm;next...
Beethoven's "Fidelio" was performed at the reopening of the war-damaged Vienna O...
The Vienna Opera House, damaged by bombs during the last days of World War II, r...
Rehearsal for Richard Strauss' "Rosenkavalier" at the Vienna Opera: Kurt Boehme...
A performance of "Rosenkavalier" at the Vienna State Opera: from l to r: Oktavi...
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The Vienna Opera House, damaged by bombs during the last days of World War II, r...
The Vienna Opera House, damaged by bombs during the last days of World War II, r...
The Vienna Opera House, damaged by bombs during the last days of World War II, r...
Salzburg Festival 1956:from l to r: director Oscar Fritz Sc...
Salzburg Festival 1956:from l to r: director Oscar Fritz Schuh and Lianne von E...
Director Herbert Graf talking to painter Oskar Kokoschka. Kokoschka designed t...