Christ in Limbo

Matthew 12, 40

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in thewhale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three daysand three nights in the heart of the earth.

14 photos
Christ in limbo, from a reliquary.                     
Gilded and enamelled plaque

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Gilded and enamelled pla...

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary.                     
Close-up of 15-01-01/21                                
Gilded and enamelled plaque

Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Close-up of 15-01-01/21...

Christ's descent to hell, from the Verdun Altar.       
Enamel plaque in champleve technique on gilded         
copper (begun 1181)

Christ's descent to hell, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun 
and mystic Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179).The book,  
Codex Rupertsberg,disappeared during WW II.Transparen- 
cies are from a facsimile.Christ has chained the old   
serpent to the abyss.It cannot reach the righteous.

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...

Anastasis. Christ, descended into limbo, saves Adam,   
Eve, King David, and King Solomon.                     
#150303 7

Anastasis. Christ, descended into limbo, saves Adam, Eve, King David, and Kin...

The descent to limbo, mural in St. George's church,    
Kurbinovo, Macedonia. 1191

The descent to limbo, mural in St. George's church, Kurbinovo, Macedonia. 11...

Presentation of the Virgin in the temple; above left:  
Crucifixion; above right: Christ's descent to limbo.   
Around 1315                                            
King's Church, Kraljeva Crkva, Studenica Monastery

Presentation of the Virgin in the temple; above left: Crucifixion; above right...

Anastasis: Christ standing on the broken gates         
of hell, he pulls Adam and Eve to salvation. The       
guardian of Hades lies bound and gagged at Christ's    
feet. Around 1315. King's Church, Kraljeva Crkva,      
(King's Church) Studenica Monastery.           Detail

Anastasis: Christ standing on the broken gates of hell, he pulls Adam a...

The siege of Constantinopole, 1453, from the outer     
wall of Moldovita Church, Romania. The fall of         
Constantinople was still  an interesting and moving    
topic almost 80 years after the event, when the murals 
were painted. Above:Christ's descent to limbo.

The siege of Constantinopole, 1453, from the outer wall of Moldovita Church...

Christ's Descent to Hell.                              
Left: John, Evangelist with his attribute, the eagle.                                             From the cupola of Hagia Sophia, Trebizond.

Christ's Descent to Hell. Left: John, Evangelist...

Descent to limbo.(Virgil,Aeneis book VI)               
Bronze with brown patina,Padua 1516-1521.              
37 x 37 cm  OA 9101                              
Made for the tomb of Girolamo della Torre and his      
son Marc Antonio.

Descent to limbo.(Virgil,Aeneis book VI) Bronze with brown patin...

Altar "Maesta",painted 1308-1311 for the Cathedral of  
Siena. The descent to limbo.
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Altar "Maesta",painted 1308-1311 for the Cathedral of Siena. The descent to li...