Christ in Limbo
Matthew 12, 40
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in thewhale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three daysand three nights in the heart of the earth.
Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Gilded and enamelled pla...
Christ in limbo, from a reliquary. Close-up of 15-01-01/21...
Christ's descent to hell, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...
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Anastasis. Christ, descended into limbo, saves Adam, Eve, King David, and Kin...
The descent to limbo, mural in St. George's church, Kurbinovo, Macedonia. 11...
Presentation of the Virgin in the temple; above left: Crucifixion; above right...
Anastasis: Christ standing on the broken gates of hell, he pulls Adam a...
The siege of Constantinopole, 1453, from the outer wall of Moldovita Church...
Christ's Descent to Hell. Left: John, Evangelist...
Descent to limbo.(Virgil,Aeneis book VI) Bronze with brown patin...
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Altar "Maesta",painted 1308-1311 for the Cathedral of Siena. The descent to li...